LoveLight Coaching provides complementary support and guidance to our other LoveLight offerings (Divine guidance, energy healing, light programs, light events or workshops, and bodywork). 

In these coaching sessions, you meet one-on-one (remotely) with a LoveLight coach, Ariel Kernis (learn more about her below) to address specific challenges you are facing with family, social situations, work, or self. You and your coach will co-create a path toward desired outcomes, and these sessions help illuminate what is in the highest benefit for healing and insight.

In your individual sessions, we will delve deeply into the issues to open for real awareness and transformation. You and Ariel will combine conversation and questions with practical, concrete seps and diverse tools, ranging from meditations for insight to spreadsheets for organization.

A little more about the next steps:

We start by asking you to fill out this brief questionnaire and then scheduling a free one hour session with Ariel to get to know each other. In that first session, you will share more about the issues you are looking to address and see if things feel like a good fit to work together.

Afterwards, Ariel will send you a written outline for future sessions, and you can decide whether you want to move forward. It is our experience that people usually need between 4 and 12 sessions at a particular time to make a meaningful change. The spacing and length of individual sessions is designed for you to accommodate your schedule and the specific challenges or transformation desired.

Intake questionnaire and first 60 minute conversation - free

Individual sessions - $75/30 min. or $150/60 min.

Package of 4 or more 60 min coaching sessions prepaid- $100/60min

About your coach

LoveLight Coaching

Ariel Kernis

People bring their whole beings -- mind, body, spirit, soul -- to every situation, so Ariel offers holistic coaching rooted in love and joy. Her passion is to creatively collaborate with others at key moments to transform their experience. She supports individuals and teams with compassion and humor. You and Ariel will co-create movement toward desired outcomes. Ariel has been working with Cheryl since 2017 and has over 25 years of experience advising, guiding, and coaching in a variety of roles including time as an executive coach, entrepreneur, political consultant, and lawyer. Ariel has completed the LoveLight Illuminated Coaching Certification and has a long history with diverse meditation approaches, healing practices, and sacred traditions. She looks forward to connecting with you.