Living In The Light

4 Day Transformational Event $2,222

Living In The Light is a deep healing experience guided by 5 experienced practitioners and  bringing you through all aspects of your being: Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul. It is more unlearning the past to create a healthier and elevated way of living. This course expands self and universal awareness. You will learn tools and techniques to establish and support healthy living. It has been designed to elevate your human experience so you may be in the full light of your soul.

Living In The Light will bring you into your own energetic alignment by shifting your frequency. This allows the opportunity to reach newer understanding, access divine consciousness, step into cosmic flow and receive divine light for healing.

Living In the Light is part of  LoveLight Illumination's light system program "Mastering This Life". Become a master of your own life and create the life you want to live.


Is this life-changing event for you?

You can use these questions as a reference for direction in choosing this course. You can answer yes if you have any level of awareness of the following:

  • Are you feeling there is more?

  • Are you desiring more resolve within?

  • Are you feeling alone and wanting connection?

  • Are you ready to gain a higher understanding of your experiences and your story?

  • Are you ready to choose joy for yourself?


Mornings & afternoons are complimentary and transformative


The morning sessions will consist of guided multidimensional sensory meditative exercises facilitated by Cheryl Banfield. You will receive: transmissions of light, light code activations, and high resonant downloads with crystalline light frequencies. You will have the opportunity to experience energetic shifts opening to higher frequencies for newer understanding, accessing divine consciousness, stepping into cosmic flow and allowing yourself to receive divine light in a higher vibration. 


The afternoon sessions will continue your transformational shifting through powerful workshops guided by 4 light facilitators, all trained LoveLight Practitioners: Catherine Anesi, Rosemary Boyle Lasher, Mandy Mathiesen and Emily Medri. The workshops will provide interactive experiences and learning self-healing techniques and provides tools for experiencing life from a healthier you. Healthy boundaries, self healing, self empowerment,  integrating mind and spirit, blending body and soul through powerful healing during each of the 4 days.

6 Supportive Workshops:

After each weekend, there are 3 supportive workshops.

Event Pre-requisite Recommendations

Self-Paced Online Introduction to the Light Centers Course and Light Center Activation and Meditation Course. These courses will give you a complete understanding of your Light Body and will activate you in the higher frequencies of your light centers.

This book offers an overview and insight into your own light body and emits a high frequency for raising your vibration. This book is optional for this course. $8.99

Light Facilitators

LoveLight Practitioners

Founder of LoveLight Illuminations

Cheryl Banfield

Cheryl Banfield is the founder of LoveLight Illuminations. She worked in the corporate world for more than 20 years, facilitating and collaborating with a variety of professionals for marketing, development, legalities and providing enhanced customer service. She combines her background experience with her heightened intuitive and energetic abilities to offer enhanced mindful, heart-centered self development courses for new insightful and elevated ways of working authentically with others. For over 10 years, Cheryl has been supporting advancement, enlightenment and empowering the journey of many through her coaching, consulting and transformational offerings. In 2001, Cheryl experienced self transformation and heightened development of her intuitive and channeling abilities. She continues to be inspired in her enlightened teachings, gifts of her energy healing practice and channeling courses for mind body spirit soul illumination.

LoveLight Practitioner

Emily Medri

Emily Medri has been training and working closely with Cheryl Banfield since 2013. She is Cheryl's daughter and has been guided to work alongside Cheryl in actualizing Mother Mary's mission of assisting others in healing and raising their vibration for ascension and beyond. Emily is an energy healing practitioner, energy artist, medium, and meditation guide with LoveLight Illuminations.

Cheryl Toth

Afternoon Workshop Facilitators

LoveLight Practitioners

LoveLight Practitioner

Mandy Mathiesen

Mandy Mathiesen has always had an open curious nature to the spiritual world. She initially became fascinated with different energy modalities, in particular chi gong & ancient Chinese herb medicine, but never really knew what to do with the information. Her path then connected her to Cheryl Banfield through her son, Calvin, and daughter, Emily. She remembers one of her first times meeting Cheryl, she welcomed her to experience an archangel & Divine energy. She had experienced something in a way that she had never felt before, yet, it was so familiar. From that moment she knew there was something much bigger to this connection. She has been training and working with Cheryl since 2012. She has been able to utilize the classes and programs being brought through by Mother Mary & Archangels to enhance her abilities, and see this life more expansively than she ever thought possible. Mandy is very grateful to have been guided to this healing system to be able to share it with the world. She is an energy healing practitioner with LoveLight Illuminations. She works with the energy doing individual core sessions, mediumship, vibrational paintings, and playing the crystal harp for meditations.

LoveLight Practitioner

Rosemary Boyle-Lasher

Rosemary B. Lasher is a trauma informed practitioner of a variety of vibrational medicines including Craniosacral, PURE Quantum Healing, Somatic Therapy, Sound Healing and more. She is the founder and director of the Rose Healing Center where she utilizes her talents to help people embrace wellness, spiritual growth and successful lifestyles. A student of complementary therapies since 1991, her training includes in-depth study, practice and certifications in numerous healing modalities. She works with individuals, couples and groups helping them to identify, heal and change barriers to success. Rosemary is proud to have received her training as a LoveLight Practitioner directly from Cheryl Banfield.

LoveLight Practitioner

Emily Medri

Emily Medri has been training and working closely with Cheryl Banfield since 2013. She is Cheryl's daughter and has been guided to work alongside Cheryl in actualizing Mother Mary's mission of assisting others in healing and raising their vibration for ascension and beyond. Emily is an energy healing practitioner, energy artist, medium, and meditation guide with LoveLight Illuminations.


Intangible Becomes Reality

by Donna A.

“How does one describe intangibles?  Intangibles such as--receiving Mother Mary’s Divine love, experiencing Mother Mary’s Divine presence, and welcoming Mother Mary’s Divine guidance.  Yet through individual consultations with Cheryl Banfield and retreats and workshops at LoveLight Illuminations, what seemed to be intangible became real.  Through the Center, I have had profound, life-changing experiences and wish the same for you.”

Life Enriched by LoveLight & Cheryl Banfield (Part 1)

by M.L.

"It isn’t easy to put into words my experiences with Lovelight Illuminations to date and Cheryl Banfield, probably because it’s unlike anything else I’ve experienced to date in this human form. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Lovelight and Cheryl have changed my life! Knowing Cheryl, who is warm, funny, down to earth and extremely kind has enriched my life just by her presence in it."

Life Enriched by Cheryl Banfield & LoveLight (Part 2)

by M.L.

"Cheryl channels both Mother Mary and the Archangels and she gave a group meditation experience at the Expo with Mother Mary’s energy coming into the room and filling it completely. The sense of peaceful joy and love that enveloped me at that session was profound and there are simply no words for it. But I remember going up to Cheryl afterwards and thanking her for expanding my universe—because that was the sense that I was left with—that THAT had just happened. After experiencing the meditation, I realized that I wanted to know more about Lovelight and to work with Cheryl and her amazing staff on moving forward on my spiritual path."

Life Enriched by Cheryl Banfield & LoveLight (Part 3)

by M.L.

I attended 2 different workshops with Cheryl, one that lasted 4 days and one that lasted 2. The sessions were very different, energetically speaking, and yet still both were completely lovely, mystical and profound! The initial session was heavily skewed toward Cheryl channeling Mary and the Angels and for those of you who have never experienced this, please do! It’s quite profound. Cheryl even seems to glow at times when this is happening. She appears to me to be a living, breathing ambassador for the Divine—a tangible essence of what is all around us, if only we could tap into it as easily as Cheryl appears to be able to do. Please understand, I’m not making light of this: I know we are all given gifts in this life and Cheryl’s is mystical and magical!"

Life Enriched by Cheryl Banfield & LoveLight (Part 4)

by M.L.

"What I’m very excited about is that I know my gifts are here, thankfully emerging at their own pace, but that they will be enhanced by further study with Cheryl. And I’m supremely grateful that Cheryl has now added both a 5 day session for further exploration and even a totally new program—a healing modality--whereby those of us who feel called to can utilize Lovelight in our healing sessions with ourselves and others. I’m firmly convinced that the world needs more of Lovelight Illuminations, maybe especially now!"

Profound Experiences with LoveLight

by Julie S.

"If you are ready for the next exciting step on your spiritual journey, The Love Light Center is a must. I have had many profound experiences with every class or function I have attended. The energy emanating from the facility can be felt from afar and draws you to the playing of the crystal harp. The moment you walk through the door you have a feeling of being home. Many thanks and blessings to Cheryl, Mandy, Emily and Cori, for you unconditional love, support, knowledge, and teachings."