NEW - Illumination Program

Beginning January 25, 2024!


Mastering This Life Program

Give Yourself the Gift of Expansion, Healing, Raising Your Vibration and Radiating Your Light

This program has been years in the making and is finally in its’ full form. It is designed to be taken in its’ entirety for full impact and significant evolutionary change.
Offering deep and profound shifts, accelerated healing and ascension process to live authentically in your light.

The effects of this coursework is multidimensional and connects you with your true self for ongoing
 and permanent change!

 This Program accesses PURE Divine Light of the highest vibration possible for the highest benefit for your accelerated spiritual evolutionary process.

Each course holds an ascential (essential for ascension) aspect for ascending in one's vibrational space and time into 6th dimensional living and beyond. The four courses bring you into a higher divine frequency and provides spontaneous shifts for raising your consciousness, quantum healing, elevating into your spiritual vibration and integrating in divine light for full illumination of your soul.

Begin your journey into your full light bringing about a new way of living with peace, love, flow and connection with your spirit in oneness. Be part of the higher vibration of light to heal the World.

The program has been our core focus since 2010 with 12 years of developing it for opening and accessing the higher vibration of light for all. This program is highly supportive in divine and has already significantly changed many lives. Cheryl went through accelerated shifts in her light body, profoundly changing how she experienced and interacted in her every day life while she channeled devoutly all of the pieces over the past 12 years. It is now available in its wholeness as people are ready for it and the vibration is conducive for significant transformation in accelerating the ascension process.

There are four vibrational aspects of the program: Inner peace and stillness in divine oneness, quantum healing in divine love, elevating the flow in divine grace, and radiating in pure divine light. Each vibrational aspect is accessed in each of the 4 courses.
Each course holds all aspects within the specific vibrational focus.

In addition, there is an illumination retreat immersion in the completion of the 4 courses. As it includes all aspects of the courses many people can be drawn to it as an introductory to the program as well as a celebratory illumination of one's light. Therefore the retreat is a separate signup for those who may want to begin their light journey or for those who want to complete the program in celebration. The retreat in itself is a powerful transformational experience.

 4 Day Expansion in Oneness Course
Thurs Jan 25th & Fri Jan 26th 12:30pm - 4:30pm
 Sat Jan 27th  & Sun Jan 28th 8:30am - 1pm

 4 Day Deep Healing Course
Part I: Saturday February 10th & Sunday February 11th 8:30am - 1pm
Part II: Saturday March 2nd & Sunday March 3rd
 8:30am - 1pm

 4 Day Elevating Physical Frequency Course
Thursday March 21st - Sunday March 24th 8:30am - 1pm

 4 Day Integrating Higher Consciousness Course
Thursday April 18th - Sunday April 21st 8:30am - 1pm

Personal Investment:
 $4,444 ($1111 per course)

 (Only $555 per course, a 50% SAVINGS!!!)

IF TAKEN INDIVIDUALLY, 30% OFF COURSE SPECIAL: As this is the first time presenting the program courses as a whole, each course is offered separately at a discounted rate of 30% bringing each course to just $777!


Pricing options for the Mastering This Life Program Bundle

Take advantage of this incredible offer of 50% off the regular price to celebrate the Full Program Launch

How can these vibrational courses change my life?

These courses are vibrational in Divine Light to create transformational shifts on all levels of mind, body, spirit, and soul. These courses do not require learning in the traditional sense, but instead offer powerful change on an energetic level, meaning you can see big results without having to study or put in conscious effort! These courses offer opportunities for:

  • Healing on all levels

  • Expanding vibrational learning beyond the mind

  • Recognizing of unhealthy cognitive thoughts to allow vibrational shifts to positivity

  • Unleashing self empowerment from your Spirit

  • Increasing Divine awareness & access higher concsiousness

  • Igniting Divine rememberance

  • Creating new frequencies of calmness and love within your being

  • Releasing memory sequences & limiting associations to allow a flow in all areas of your life

  • Elevating Conscious Living, Recognizing Your Inner Soul,

  • Living From The Heart, Ascending the Human State of Being, Accessing Universal Wisdom, Accepting All is divine

Your Light Body - A New Energy Field For A New Way To Be

Living in the higher vibration of your spirit

The light body structure consists of 13 different light centers, and it's purpose is to provide form and structure for the high vibration of our spirit here in this human experience. 

As we evolve the light body and allow more of our spiritual energy to integrate with our physical being, we begin to see a beautiful unfolding of our true potential in the highest form. We begin to experience life in a new way from a new perspective.

The Illuminas: The Light Centers of The Light Body

A Supportive Channeled Book From Mother Mary

The Illuminas: The Light Centers of The Light Body" is a comprehensive energetic look at our evolving light field in the outermost layer of our energy field. Learn about these light centers, their meaning, and how they are crucial for the evolution of humanity and the world as a whole. This book includes two vibrational images for healing and three simple meditations using the light centers.

Are Mastering This Life Courses For Me?

Whether you are new to ascension work or this is your field, you are ready for these high vibrational courses if any one of these rings true to you:

  • If you find yourself here, your spirit has guided you here for this! Yes, this program is for you!

  • If you feel that you are ready for the "next step," even if you are not quite sure what that means. Yes, this program is for you!

  • If you are ready to accelerate your spiritual work. Yes, this program is for you!

  • If you are ready to experience life with a higher perspective, resonating Divine love in every situation. Yes, this program is for you!

  • If you feel called to help raise the vibration of the Earth, and bring love and light to all beings: Yes, this program is for you!

  • If you are ready to take your clients to a higher level, elevating your offerings in pure Divine Light. Yes, this program is for you!


Intangible Becomes Reality

by Donna A.

“How does one describe intangibles?  Intangibles such as--receiving Mother Mary’s Divine love, experiencing Mother Mary’s Divine presence, and welcoming Mother Mary’s Divine guidance.  Yet through individual consultations with Cheryl Banfield and retreats and workshops at LoveLight Illuminations, what seemed to be intangible became real.  Through the Center, I have had profound, life-changing experiences and wish the same for you.”

Life Enriched by LoveLight & Cheryl Banfield (Part 1)

by M.L.

"It isn’t easy to put into words my experiences with Lovelight Illuminations to date and Cheryl Banfield, probably because it’s unlike anything else I’ve experienced to date in this human form. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Lovelight and Cheryl have changed my life! Knowing Cheryl, who is warm, funny, down to earth and extremely kind has enriched my life just by her presence in it."

Life Enriched by Cheryl Banfield & LoveLight (Part 2)

by M.L.

"Cheryl channels both Mother Mary and the Archangels and she gave a group meditation experience at the Expo with Mother Mary’s energy coming into the room and filling it completely. The sense of peaceful joy and love that enveloped me at that session was profound and there are simply no words for it. But I remember going up to Cheryl afterwards and thanking her for expanding my universe—because that was the sense that I was left with—that THAT had just happened. After experiencing the meditation, I realized that I wanted to know more about Lovelight and to work with Cheryl and her amazing staff on moving forward on my spiritual path."

Life Enriched by Cheryl Banfield & LoveLight (Part 3)

by M.L.

I attended 2 different workshops with Cheryl, one that lasted 4 days and one that lasted 2. The sessions were very different, energetically speaking, and yet still both were completely lovely, mystical and profound! The initial session was heavily skewed toward Cheryl channeling Mary and the Angels and for those of you who have never experienced this, please do! It’s quite profound. Cheryl even seems to glow at times when this is happening. She appears to me to be a living, breathing ambassador for the Divine—a tangible essence of what is all around us, if only we could tap into it as easily as Cheryl appears to be able to do. Please understand, I’m not making light of this: I know we are all given gifts in this life and Cheryl’s is mystical and magical!"

Life Enriched by Cheryl Banfield & LoveLight (Part 4)

by M.L.

"What I’m very excited about is that I know my gifts are here, thankfully emerging at their own pace, but that they will be enhanced by further study with Cheryl. And I’m supremely grateful that Cheryl has now added both a 5 day session for further exploration and even a totally new program—a healing modality--whereby those of us who feel called to can utilize Lovelight in our healing sessions with ourselves and others. I’m firmly convinced that the world needs more of Lovelight Illuminations, maybe especially now!"

Profound Experiences with LoveLight

by Julie S.

"If you are ready for the next exciting step on your spiritual journey, The Love Light Center is a must. I have had many profound experiences with every class or function I have attended. The energy emanating from the facility can be felt from afar and draws you to the playing of the crystal harp. The moment you walk through the door you have a feeling of being home. Many thanks and blessings to Cheryl, Mandy, Emily and Cori, for you unconditional love, support, knowledge, and teachings."


  • Which course should I begin with?

    If you are new to LoveLight's offerings, the best course to start with is the 2-hour "Light Body Meditation & Activation" to activate each of the light centers in Divine energy. This is a wonderful introduction to the LoveLight energy and the many offerings from Mother Mary!

  • I have been involved in the spiritual field for a long time. Does LoveLight have any offerings that can benefit me and my work?

    Yes! All of our offerings can benefit healers and practitioners of all kinds. These courses offer an intensive upgrade and accelerated movement for utilizing a greater level of your own Divine energy within your work and interactions.

  • I am completely new to the spiritual and energetic field, but I feel drawn to this. Is this for me?

    Yes! You are not required to have any previous experiences or courses. We all have Divine light within us, and these courses help us to connect into our spirit quicly and with ease.

  • How is LoveLight energy different than other energy modalities?

    Cheryl Banfield, the light facilitator, will be channeling in LoveLight energy, which offers profound healing on all levels by utilizing Divine light in a rapid and expansive way. The energy does not run through Cheryl, but instead works directly with your own light body and your own physical/spiritual energy allowing a pure interaction with Divine energy for customized and optimal transformational healing experience.

  • How does this program create profound change if there is no structured learning curriculum?

    All of the vibrational courses offer expansive learning beyond the mind. These offer a transfer of energy, working with all levels of your being (mind, body, spirit, soul) for profound change. It is important to understand that as words offer a form of understanding in the mind, they also can be limiting and cause misinterpretation. These courses offer learning in a different and more wholesome way, as they bring through concepts both in words and energy, allowing all levels of your being to understand and incorporate these new, expansive, and higher concepts. We are moving beyond learning in the traditional way to incorporate more than our physical senses and physical understanding. Vibrational learning offers a deeper incorporation of concepts with less conscious effort on your end!


Founder of LoveLight Illuminations

Cheryl Banfield

Cheryl Banfield is the founder of LoveLight Illuminations. She worked in the corporate world for more than 20 years, facilitating and collaborating with a variety of professionals for marketing, development, legalities and providing enhanced customer service. She combines her background experience with her heightened intuitive and energetic abilities to offer enhanced mindful, heart-centered self development courses for new insightful and elevated ways of working authentically with others. For over 10 years, Cheryl has been supporting advancement, enlightenment and empowering the journey of many through her coaching, consulting and transformational offerings. In 2001, Cheryl experienced self transformation and heightened development of her intuitive and channeling abilities. She continues to be inspired in her enlightened teachings, gifts of her energy healing practice and channeling courses for mind body spirit soul illumination.

LoveLight Practitioner

Emily Medri

Emily Medri has been training and working closely with Cheryl Banfield since 2013. She is Cheryl's daughter and has been guided to work alongside Cheryl in actualizing Mother Mary's mission of assisting others in healing and raising their vibration for ascension and beyond. Emily is an energy healing practitioner, energy artist, medium, and meditation guide with LoveLight Illuminations.