Mastering This Life Program

Light Body Development Courses for Accelerated Healing and Mind Body Spirit Soul Ascension

Mastering This Life is a set of ascension courses that accelerate the human evolving experience into a new paradigm of higher consciousness, spontaneous healing, raising the vibration and illuminating the world.

This program of light courses is for self-development to be the best you can be in a higher enlightened state of being, allowing, evolving and connecting in Divine Oneness. This program utilizes the highest vibration of light for profound shifting and teaches how to work with the light body field for accelerated healing and evolving of Mind Body Spirit and Soul. This coursework is designed and channeled through divine guides for moving into the 6th dimension and beyond. This work is on the cutting edge and holds opportunities to reach beyond where we have ever been in the history of humanity. It takes us to levels of a continuum of space and time and blends the vibration held through the light body quantum aspects for a balanced and grounded way of being in a higher vibrational state of existence. We can live in a blended divine state of illumination in our light. This new way of being is available to us now.

 Each course is held in high vibrational light for quicker movement and resonance with your true divine self. These courses help you move into and maintain alignment and balance in your energy, strengthen energetic boundaries, release limitations and patterns,  rebuild a deeper sense of self, raise your vibration and open to higher communication, increases your spiritual abilities,  expands your awareness, lightens how you feel and perceive, increases ability to love and accept all in divine, elevates your experiences and interactions with the world around you. 

The courses energetically meet you for wherever you are on your spiritual path. They provide channeled information, divine downloads, powerful energetic healing and releasing, key light code activations for raising your vibration and accessing divine frequencies shifting you in multidimensional states for your crystalline light body development.

Free Recording

This is an introduction and overview of your spiritual light represented in a new crystalline structured light field around your body. Learn about your developing light field in the outermost layer of your energy field called your light body. This light field allows you to hold a higher vibration and resonate with self-healing and development through your spiritual light.

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 Light Course Recording

This is a self-paced recording introducing you to working with your light centers of your light body. This is a guided activation and meditation in alignment with your higher self for development of your light body and living in the higher vibration of your spirit. This course introduces you to a higher vibration for accessing your spiritual light.

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Light Body Development Workshops

Monthly 1 hr meditation workshop
(in person & online via zoom)

Learn new easy ways of meditating to promote healthy well-being and evolving with your spirit. The meditations are easy and can be quick and simple for any busy schedule and can be used as longer and deeper meditative states in connection with your spirit. They bring peace, balance, and self-awareness for elevating your daily life and healthier living.

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 Monthly 1 hr healing workshop
(in person & online via zoom)

Learn about your light centers and how they relate to transforming and elevating how you feel, relate and interact with your internal and external world. Shift and heal through a light center in a sound healing experience.

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 Monthly 1 hr evolving workshop
(Online via zoom)

 This series offers monthly guided meditations for vibrational shifts and flow for the energies of the full moon, new moon and astrological shifts. Each month offers part of a quarterly theme for evolving with the new energies presenting. This workshop supports your continued evolving process.

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 Monthly 1 hr workshop
(Online via zoom)

Join us each month for developing your intuitive insight and channeling skills held in the energy of Our Sacred Lady Mary.  You will be guided into an experience with your light body to heighten your abilities to connect with higher frequencies in a safe alignment and for an experience in your highest benefit. You may receive a healing, blessing, message, or be held in divine.

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Core Courses


This is a self-paced recording introducing you to working with your light centers of your light body. This is a guided activation and meditation in alignment with your higher self for development of your light body and living in the higher vibration of your spirit. This course introduces you to a higher vibration for accessing your spiritual light.

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  4 Day Expansion in Oneness Course
(in person & online via zoom)

Begin your journey into a new way of being. Expand the sense of self in a higher consciousness of who you truly are. This evolving course brings you into vibration to help you remember who you are as a spirit, an extension of all in universal oneness.  Embody your sense of your expansive self connected to all in the universe. When you find that inner peace, a way to just be with yourself, you create ease and knowing the true you. 

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 4 Day Deep Healing Course
(in person & online via zoom)

 Create transformational change in your life. You will be brought through deep transformational healing and extensive workshops. Learn supportive healing techniques to continue your transformative healing. Deep healing allows release of patterns, trauma, adopted ways of coping from past experiences letting go of limitations for accelerated evolving. Be present with yourself to experience a new elevated way of being, letting go of the old to embrace the new.  

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 4 Day Elevating Physical Frequency Course
(in person & online via zoom)

Experience four days in a life changing immersion of divine higher vibrational energy. Learn how to change the way you live through high vibrational concepts and the four vibrational aspects of being in your light. Learn about these four aspects and allow the vibrations to be set in motion. This course raises your vibration for accelerated healing and energetic shifts in mind body spirit and soul to experience life with  peace, love, divine flow, and connection with your higher self. 

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4 Day Integrating Higher Consciousness Course
(in person & online via zoom)

You want to be who you truly are in your light. Each of us are radiant beings bringing through higher vibrational light for this earth plane. This course cultivates self trust, self compassion, self honor and self connection. Learn how to connect with your true self in your light. You are a divine being filled with love and light. You are the answers you are looking for. Learn how to align with your spirit for your true desires and create the life that is worth living. You will find your life changing as you embrace a higher vibration of the true you, stepping into a new way of being. Let yourself be in the full radiance of the light of your soul.

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2 Day Integration of All

Take part in an overview of experiences to embrace a new way of being with your true self. This is an illumination gathering for those who have been through all of the Mastering This Life Program. An integration for embracing one’s own light, sharing and celebrating self in Divine Oneness with All.


Mastering This Life is a transformational program for experiencing the true you.  
Whatever mastering this life means to you; whether it is finding peace within, embracing adventure, feeling self-fulfilled, living healthier, following your dreams, or empowering leadership within, living from the true you brings about the change you are looking for to be mastering your own life. 

Your Light Body - A New Energy Field For A New Way To Be

Living in the higher vibration of your spirit

The light body structure consists of 13 different light centers, and it's purpose is to provide form and structure for the high vibration of our spirit here in this human experience. 

As we evolve the light body and allow more of our spiritual energy to integrate with our physical being, we begin to see a beautiful unfolding of our true potential in the highest form. We begin to experience life in a new way from a new perspective.

The Illuminas: The Light Centers of The Light Body

A Supportive Channeled Book From Mother Mary

The Illuminas: The Light Centers of The Light Body" is a comprehensive energetic look at our evolving light field in the outermost layer of our energy field. Learn about these light centers, their meaning, and how they are crucial for the evolution of humanity and the world as a whole. This book includes two vibrational images for healing and three simple meditations using the light centers.

How can these vibrational courses change my life?

These courses are vibrational in Divine Light to create transformational shifts on all levels of mind, body, spirit, and soul. These courses do not require learning in the traditional sense, but instead offer powerful change on an energetic level, meaning you can see big results without having to study or put in conscious effort! These courses offer opportunities for:

  • Healing on all levels

  • Expanding vibrational learning beyond the mind

  • Recognizing of unhealthy cognitive thoughts to allow vibrational shifts to positivity

  • Unleashing self empowerment from your Spirit

  • Increasing Divine awareness & access higher concsiousness

  • Igniting Divine rememberance

  • Creating new frequencies of calmness and love within your being

  • Releasing memory sequences & limiting associations to allow a flow in all areas of your life

  • Elevating Conscious Living, Recognizing Your Inner Soul,

  • Living From The Heart, Ascending the Human State of Being, Accessing Universal Wisdom, Accepting All is divine

Are Mastering This Life Courses For Me?

Whether you are new to ascension work or this is your field, you are ready for these high vibrational courses if any one of these rings true to you:

  • If you find yourself here, your spirit has guided you here for this! Yes, this program is for you!

  • If you feel that you are ready for the "next step," even if you are not quite sure what that means. Yes, this program is for you!

  • If you are ready to accelerate your spiritual work. Yes, this program is for you!

  • If you are ready to experience life with a higher perspective, resonating Divine love in every situation. Yes, this program is for you!

  • If you feel called to help raise the vibration of the Earth, and bring love and light to all beings: Yes, this program is for you!

  • If you are ready to take your clients to a higher level, elevating your offerings in pure Divine Light. Yes, this program is for you!

Light Facilitator

Channeler of Mother Mary & Facilitator of Divine Energy

Founder of LoveLight Illuminations

Cheryl Banfield

Cheryl Banfield is the founder of LoveLight Illuminations. She worked in the corporate world for more than 20 years, facilitating and collaborating with a variety of professionals for marketing, development, legalities and providing enhanced customer service. She combines her background experience with her heightened intuitive and energetic abilities to offer enhanced mindful, heart-centered self development courses for new insightful and elevated ways of working authentically with others. For over 10 years, Cheryl has been supporting advancement, enlightenment and empowering the journey of many through her coaching, consulting and transformational offerings. In 2001, Cheryl experienced self transformation and heightened development of her intuitive and channeling abilities. She continues to be inspired in her enlightened teachings, gifts of her energy healing practice and channeling courses for mind body spirit soul illumination.


  • Which course should I begin with?

    If you are new to LoveLight's offerings, the best course to start with is the 2-hour "Light Body Meditation & Activation" to activate each of the light centers in Divine energy. This is a wonderful introduction to the LoveLight energy and the many offerings from Mother Mary!

  • I have been involved in the spiritual field for a long time. Does LoveLight have any offerings that can benefit me and my work?

    Yes! All of our offerings can benefit healers and practitioners of all kinds. These courses offer an intensive upgrade and accelerated movement for utilizing a greater level of your own Divine energy within your work and interactions.

  • I am completely new to the spiritual and energetic field, but I feel drawn to this. Is this for me?

    Yes! You are not required to have any previous experiences or courses. We all have Divine light within us, and these courses help us to connect into our spirit quicly and with ease.

  • How is LoveLight energy different than other energy modalities?

    Cheryl Banfield, the light facilitator, will be channeling in LoveLight energy, which offers profound healing on all levels by utilizing Divine light in a rapid and expansive way. The energy does not run through Cheryl, but instead works directly with your own light body and your own physical/spiritual energy allowing a pure interaction with Divine energy for customized and optimal transformational healing experience.

  • How does this program create profound change if there is no structured learning curriculum?

    All of the vibrational courses offer expansive learning beyond the mind. These offer a transfer of energy, working with all levels of your being (mind, body, spirit, soul) for profound change. It is important to understand that as words offer a form of understanding in the mind, they also can be limiting and cause misinterpretation. These courses offer learning in a different and more wholesome way, as they bring through concepts both in words and energy, allowing all levels of your being to understand and incorporate these new, expansive, and higher concepts. We are moving beyond learning in the traditional way to incorporate more than our physical senses and physical understanding. Vibrational learning offers a deeper incorporation of concepts with less conscious effort on your end!